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RRR Black Rose*
ICHO 402-D ABC 2983
True Black
Date of Birth:
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BNC Ladd*
ABC 906(f)
BNC King*
ABC 1495(f)
BNC Honey*
ABC 896(f)
KC Prince Charles*
ICHO 405-D
Ebony Twist*
ABC 602(f)
Ebonys Lassie*
ABC 1435(f)
Gold Streak Sunny*
ABC 195(f)
RRR Black Rose*
Holbrooks Curly*
Yellow Jacket*
ABC 522(f)
Buckskin Curly (Damele)*
Mead's Blue Streak
ABC S-385
Copper D*
ABC 2(f)
The Bill Mare *
ABC 337(f)
Damele Mare
Pedigree produced by
Curly Horse Pedigree Database.
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