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Sunshine Rewards

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Duncan ap Jubilee*    ABC 2304    
Color: Dun
Sex: Stallion
Date of Birth: 6/30/1997

PEDIGREE Printer Friendly Version

Duncan ap Jubilee*

JC's Jubilee* ABC 1002(f)

Colonel Austin* ABC 148(f)

Dixie D* ABC 34(f)

OB Pinto D* ABC 717(f)
Kurly Cue's Kluane* ABC 456(f) Grant's Dusty D* ABC 198(f)
Cheno's Bobby Sox ABC S-12
Epona* ABC 1544(f) Col's Target* ABC 615(f) Colonel Austin* ABC 148(f)
Little Pet* ABC 370(f)
Yellow Bird ABC S-281 Yellow Jacket* ABC 522(f)
Mead's Yellow Fever
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